Nanotechnology involves materials, devices and systems on an extremely small scale, on the order of nanometers (billionths of a meter). The use of nanotechnology in agriculture is a more efficient and less invasive way of using materials, which can minimize impacts and protect crops. These are products developed on tiny scales that help improve crop productivity.
Leonardo Fraceto, Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology at Unesp in Sorocaba, Innovation coordinator at CBioClima and the National Institute of Science and Technology in Nanotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, INCT NanoAgro, researches ways to use nanotechnology in agriculture.
According to Fraceto, in an interview with Radio Unesp, nanotechnology can open up new possibilities for application in the field, crop protection and pest control, using a smaller amount of product. This technology, in addition to helping to monitor crops and improve production, minimizes impacts due to the smaller quantity used. However, he emphasizes that a new technology can also have negative impacts, so it is necessary to consider the safety of the product, ensuring that the technology is safe.
The Unesp campus in Sorocaba has just become the headquarters of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Nanotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, INCT NanoAgro, which brings together 40 researchers from 13 educational institutions. Unesp radio made a series of Podcasts about the studies being developed on the program "Em Pauta". Follow the series at the links below:
Researchers from Unesp's recently created institute on nanotechnology in agriculture share their studies
The Institute's coordinator, professor Leonardo Fraceto, explains the potential of this technology
Researcher at the Unesp Institute shares experience in studies on nanotechnology in agriculture. In “Em Pauta”, professor Daiana Ávila, from the Federal University of Pampa, and member of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Nanotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture
UFSM researcher gives details about Application Technology work at INCT NanoAgro. The professor at the Center for Rural Sciences at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Adriano Arrué Melo, talks about the development of technology for applying phytosanitary products and talks about the importance of INCT NanoAgro for innovation in the field
Professor at UEL talks about Nanotechnology associated with Genetic Improvement and Plant Physiology. The deputy coordinator of the INCT NanoAgro proposal, Halley Caixeta de Oliveira, highlights the advantages of using nanomaterials in agriculture, compared to traditional techniques used in the field, which have lower productivity and are more toxic to the environment.