On April 30th, Cepid CBioclima was launched. The first Cepid at Unesp, funded by the FAPESP project (2021/10639-5), has the mission of creating a Research Observatory on Biodiversity and Climate Change, promoting innovation with a focus on sustainable solutions and accelerating the dissemination of knowledge.
Considered by the authorities present at the launch, both a great opportunity, but at the same time a great responsibility, CBioClima is a unique and innovative Research Center, which brings together researchers committed to facing global challenges related to the loss of biodiversity as a result of changes climate. The objective of CBioClima is to develop a transdisciplinary approach, which articulates research, innovation and dissemination actions.
The event was attended by Professor Maysa Furlan, Vice-Rector of Unesp, Professor Edson Cocchieri Botelho, Pro-Rector of Research at Unesp, Professor Adalgiso Coscrato Cardozo, Director of the Biosciences Institute at Unesp, Rio Claro Campus, by Professor Patrícia Morellato, Director of CBioClima, and Professor Carlos Frederico De Oliveira Graeff, representative of FAPESP.
With almost 100 participants – mostly women – ranging from undergraduate scholars to master's, doctoral, post-doctoral and associated researchers, in the first year of activity, CBioClima already has more than forty articles published in scientific journals. The Research Center's research actions are organized into four Working Groups: Synthesis and big-data; Natural history: from genes to ecosystems; Dimensions of Biodiversity and Microbiome for sustainable solutions. Furthermore, dissemination and innovation are part of the scope of CBioClima.
Professor Adalgiso highlighted the importance of Cepid CBioClima, unique at Unesp, and congratulated the teachers and administrative technical staff, who made the Research Center possible. According to the Director of the Unesp Biosciences Institute, "this Cepid will allow continued advancement in science."
Carlos Frederico De Oliveira Graeff, representing Professor Márcio de Castro Silva Filho, Scientific Director of Fapesp, also reinforced the pride and importance of Unesp's first Cepid. For him, the establishment of a Cepid is part of a very competitive process, as the proposal, when compared with several others, was chosen.
For the United Nations (UN), biodiversity is the greatest natural defense against climate change. In this sense, professor Patrícia Morellato highlighted that it was an honor to win this competition and presented the organization of the Center as a space for creative and innovative science.
Innovation Coordinator at CBioClima, Leonardo Fraceto explained that Cepid's objective is to accelerate knowledge, so that this knowledge reaches society quickly. Professor Fraceto reinforced the importance of support and partnership from the Unesp Innovation Agency (AUIN). According to the professor at the Institute of Science and Technology at Unesp in Sorocaba, it is possible to transform projects and ideas into technology and innovation. To do this, it is necessary to connect with opportunities, approaching Innovation Environments, such as Technology Parks, Technology and Innovation Centers and Technology-Based Incubators, such as the Aquarium of Ideas and the Sorocaba Technology Park. With these pillars, we hope to be able to return to society possible solutions to problems that people are facing.
Edson Cocchieri Botelho highlighted that the Dean understood the importance of Cepid at Unesp, which transcends the Rio Claro campus. For the Pro-Rector of Research at Unesp, this Cepid "was born and will be created by Unesp", with the aim of producing quality science.
Maysa Furlan congratulated the panel and the participants of Cepid, which, according to the vice-rector, enhances Unesp. For her, it is a dream come true. "A dream that wakes up to a qualified discussion, as the themes of climate and biodiversity encompass life and the transformation of the world." And she adds that "this knowledge's mission is to extend knowledge to society, (...) which longs to discuss these themes." According to Maysa, this construction of quality science comes from a long construction, as a project with this robustness and demand, from the training of human resources to internationalization, is not proposed in a short time.
To conclude, the vice-rector highlighted that, for Unesp, it is an honor to host this Center, as a Cepid promotes "an effervescent discussion, an opportunity for headquarters to work together, to put collaboration and partnership into action and see the transversality materialize."